There is many ways to build templates, but the best way to learn how to build a template is by studying other templates and other creators. You can go to any marketplace and search for free templates that you can download. Simply pick them apart and study why they work and why they don’t. This will also increase your knowledge of building templates because you’ll be able to see how others build theirs. Don’t copy the templates to sell as your own.
When you’ve decided what you want to build, the best thing to do is create an outline for yourself.
Create an empty Notion page and depending on your Notion skills use either databases or a more simple framework like toggles to build up an overview of what you want your template to contain.
Inside each toggle or database entry, write in detail what this specific part of the template is going to, what problem it solves and what purpose it serves.
Doing this will help you have a great overview of your building process that gets more and more complicated when you add new stuff to it.
When you’ve outlined the template and begun building it, you’ll undoubtly stumble upon mistakes and flaws in the template.
It is your job as a creator to put yourself in the shoes of the end user and imagine how they’d be using the template. If needed, go through template step by step and notice if there are any errors that you need to attend to.
Reiterate this process multiple times as you create the template to make sure your end product is flawless.
Another way to get valuable feedback and potential errors served to you on a silver platter, is by including your audience or community. Simply ask people to test out your template in return for some feedback and you’ll be able to have other people test how good of a template it is.