How to launch your template

When you’ve created your first template it’s time to show it to the world. This is called a launch. It’s the official day where you let your audience, friends and family know that your template is now live and ready for sale.

Launching on Producthunt

The next thing you should do is launch your product on Producthunt which is a platform for product creators and tech lovers to share new products. It is a community of people who support eachother, so it is recommended to create an account in advance and engage in the community to see the best results.

When you are ready to launch you simply schedule your launch post on Producthunt and then share it with as many people as possible to get as many upvotes as possible so you can rank high and get some organic traffic from Producthunt.

Many people on Producthunt are ready to buy your product right away and if your product is free, you’ll be able to get lots of downloads (and emails that you can later sell to) simply by posting your product there.

Launching on Social Media

You should launch your product on your chosen social media platform by letting your customers know that they can now access your product too. This is as simple as creating a post and telling your followers to check it out. Some customers may come from this, but you can also talk about your templates and the benefits it gives in social media posts to get traffic as well.

Final words

Remember that you can re-launch your template multiple times to get the most return on your investment of time creating the template.

For social media, you can launch your template an infinite times as long as you don’t spam your followers. And on Producthunt, you can re-launch your template every 6 months unless you do some major updates to the product, in which case you can launch more often.

It is a great idea to launch multiple times as it’s just free traffic you’re getting every time.

The next step

Next, we’ll be talking about how to passively sell your templates so you can get recurring long term income from your templates.