<aside> 🧘🏼 Weekly Goal

Write email sequences for all my products so I can sell more.”


<aside> ⛔ Non-negotiables

<aside> ✅ Tasks

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What is Monk Mode?

Monk Mode is a popular a term within self-development practice that refers to a period of that time where life is focused on nothing but growth and discipline.

It is inspired by the practices of monks in monasteries, who follow a life of simplicity, solitude, and dedication to spiritual practice.

Some people adopt monk mode as a way to temporarily retreat from the distractions of modern life to pursue their goals and aspirations in solitude.

Monk mode means abstaining from activities or behaviors, such as consumption of alcohol or engaging in social media, in order to cultivate mindfulness, focus, and clarity.


Why go into Monk Mode?

At worst, practicing monk mode can help you clear your mind and find inner peace.

At best, it can transform your life by improving your mindset through isolated focus and encouragement of deeper reflections on the events of your life.

High-performing and successful people regularly do Monk Mode cycles and achieve:


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The new home for your Monk Mode

Unlock the all-in-one Monk Mode system that'll stick with you for a lifetime.



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Using the 3 I's System

Your 3 I's are the foundation of your Monk Mode practice and gives you a Second Brain-like setup that's built for you to customize and populate with infinite sub-pages with everything you need for Monk Mode.

Monk Mode Navigator gives you easily accessible links to quickly access all the pages from inside every Monk Mode cycle you do with as little clicks, fuzz and clutter as possible.



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What's inside?

Take a look below to see the full Monk Mode cycle dashboard...



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